Saturday, May 26, 2012

First: Introduction

Hello my name is John, I'm a techie person and I created this blog to share my knowledge in the latest PC technology of our time. I will be doing reviews, comparison and even polls on different PC, PC parts, laptops and other peripherals to give you information you might need. And when we say Personal Computer, that is a big aspect, It has different fields to discuss and it is always evolving, so in this case I will do my best to give you a good review on what my topic might be. But since I'm just a beginner with this I'm kinda nervous but also excited. I will share my knowledge, you share your knowledge, so this will be a mutual relationship (so to speak).

What is the reason I made this blog?

Simple, As I've said on my first sentence, I'm a techie person and my passion is all about PC, everything that has something to do with it is my primary interest. So if this is what I want to do. Why not blog it? yeah. But that's not all. I also made this blog to learn more things. I can say I know a lot of things in this particular field but I also need to learn more. Reading and doing research is the answer to learn more things about what you want to do most. So I hope this will do good and provide a good feedback in the future!.

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